Friday, March 8, 2013


Write me a poem.  It must include a line from a song you love, a descriptive color (tickle-me-pink), and a cliche.  It can be in any style you'd like, and it can be as long as you would like.

Pick a picture

Argue with me

1.  Politics:  Abortion? The president?  Gun control?  War?  Gay marriage?  Political parties?

2.  Religion:  What were you raised with?  How much do you know about other religions?  What do you believe?

3.  Pet peeves.  What are yours, and what makes them so irritating?

People you know

1.  Tell me the romantic story of your grandparents, or another older couple you admire.

2.  Write about a typical family function, weather it's a holiday or a reunion or a wedding.

3.  Tell me about your favorite holiday tradition.

4.  Does birth order matter?  First child, middle, last, only, do any of these influence who you are?

5.  Sibling rivalry.  Tell me about your worst fight, and then how you made up.

paint fight!

Sugar high

High mom!